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Thursday, October 21, 2010


I need to Stress from the outset that I DO NOT speak on behalf of, or represent the City of Johannesburg in manner what-so ever!

In certain areas, such as Zoo Lake, JHB City Parks have been making use of, and conducting numerous testing of EMgro Natrology Technology and its Products.

I will however defend and give them my full support and assistance when ill founded and nothing but mischievous slander is report to of by the Media ie.;

The Star headline two weekends ago after our first summer rain, something to the effect '1.8 meters of human excretement flows into Bruma Lake' Utter Rubbish! The silt level of the Lake has remained the same, albeit not a healthy situation has remained the same for the past 18 month since I began to monitor it.
What did however wash into the lake was; about 30 tons of 'Human Waste'!
Paper, plastic, tire rubber from the roads (collected since out last decent rains), oil from the roads and probably the most damaging; chemicals from the soaps and detergents from washing cars in the street, soapy laundry water that is let out into catchment area.

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